How to Create and Manage a WhatsApp Ecommerce Catalog: Step-by-Step Guide for Businesses

WhatsApp Ecommerce Catalogue is a robust feature that empowers businesses to showcase and manage their products or services directly within the WhatsApp messaging platform. This tool serves as a virtual storefront, allowing businesses to create a catalog of their offerings, complete with product descriptions, images, pricing, and direct links for easy purchase.

To create a catalog and integrate it with XpressBot, follow the below steps.

How to Setup Product Catalog?

Create an eCommerce Catalog

  • Go to
  • Click on the `All Tools` menu.
  • Click on `Create` and give the template a name.
  • Select `Commerce`.
  • It will redirect you to the Commerce Manager.
  • From the top right corner, click on the profile and select your business account.
  • Click on the `Add Catalogue` button.
  • Choose the catalog type as `E-Commerce`.
  • Select `Online` or `Local Products` based on your business type, then click `Next`.
  • Choose the upload method (Upload Product Info or Connect a partner platform). For now, select the Upload Product Info.
  • In the catalog owner section, select your business if you have multiple businesses.
  • Give a name to the catalog and click `Create`.

Add Products to the Catalog Manually

  • Click on `View Catalog`.
  • Click on the `Add Items` button.
  • Choose to add products manually.
  • Click `Next`.
  • Upload product images.
  • Enter the product title and description.
  • Provide the product`s website link.
  • Set the price and sale price (if applicable).
  • Optionally, select a Facebook product category and condition.
  • Configure availability and status options.
  • Brand name and content IDs are optional.
  • Click `Upload Items`.

Connect the Catalog to WhatsApp

  • From the `All Tools` menu, select `WhatsApp Manager`.
  • Under Account Tools, click on `Catalogue`.
  • Click on the `Choose Catalogue` button.
  • Select the catalog.
  • Click on the `Connect Catalogue` button.

Use the Catalog on WhatsApp

  • Go to `Connect Account`.
  • Choose the WhatsApp account.
  • Click on the `Synchronize` button.

Configure Catalog Settings

  • Go to the eCommerce catalog.
  • You`ll find the catalog name and ID. There`s an option to enable or disable the public status.
  • Under `Actions`, you can view catalog products. Synchronize any added or updated products.
  • Select products and click `Synchronize`.
  • You can also synchronize the full catalog.
  • You can copy the catalog URL to share with your users.
  • Remove the catalog by clicking the delete button.

Configure Message Templates and Settings

  • Go to the eCommerce catalog.
  • You`ll find the catalog name and ID. There`s an option to enable or disable the public status.
  • Under `Actions`, you can view catalog products. Synchronize any added or updated products.
  • Select products and click `Synchronize`.
  • You can also synchronize the full catalog.
  • You can copy the catalog URL to share with your users.
  • Remove the catalog by clicking the delete button.

Configure Message Templates and Settings

  • Scroll down to `Catalog Manager`.
  • Edit the message for the Checkout URL and Reminder.
  • You can rewrite the message but don`t change the Checkout URL.
  • Add the payment method in Payment Settings (multiple options available).
  • Configure cart settings, including tax percentage and shipping charges.
  • Set up an abandoned cart reminder message and select the timing.
  • You can view catalog orders and change the status of an order from the `Catalogue Order` at the top of the page.

Using the Catalog on WhatsApp

  • When a user clicks on the catalog link you shared, the catalog will open on their WhatsApp.
  • They can add products to the cart and proceed to checkout.
  • Users will receive a checkout link on their WhatsApp.
  • They can complete the purchase on the checkout page.
  • Configure cart settings, including tax percentage and shipping charges.
  • Set up an abandoned cart reminder message and select the timing.
  • You can view catalog orders and change the status of an order from the `Catalogue Order` at the top of the page.

This step-by-step documentation should help users create an eCommerce catalog and use it on WhatsApp following your provided script.

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