Boost Your Marketing Strategy with WhatsApp Newsletters: Best Practices and Benefits

WhatsApp newsletters are a powerful way to connect with customers and subscribers through the popular messaging platform. With high engagement rates compared to traditional email newsletters, WhatsApp newsletters offer a personal and intimate way to share updates, promotions, and educational content. To create an effective WhatsApp newsletter, it’s important to keep messages short and concise, use visually appealing images and videos, and personalize content when possible.

Building a subscriber list requires offering incentives, using opt-in forms, and promoting your newsletter on other channels. Once you have a list, you can use tools like the WhatsApp Business API and marketing software to create and send newsletters. It’s important to track metrics like open rates, CTR, and conversion rates to measure the success of your newsletter.

Overall, WhatsApp newsletters offer a unique opportunity to connect with customers and drive business results. By following best practices and using the right tools, you can create a effective WhatsApp newsletter strategy that resonates with your audience.


  • High engagement rates compared to traditional email newsletters
  • Personal and intimate way to connect with customers/subscribers
  • Easy to create and send
  • Cost-effective

Types of content:

  • News and updates
  • Promotions and offers
  • Educational content
  • Entertainment content
  • Personal messages

Best practices:

  • Keep messages short and concise
  • Use visually appealing images and videos
  • Personalize content when possible
  • Don’t spam or over-send messages
  • Provide value to subscribers

Tools and services:

  • WhatsApp Business API
  • WhatsApp Marketing Software (e.g. Twilio, Nexmo)
  • Newsletter templates and builders (e.g. ManyChat, ChatGen)

Tips for building a list:

  • Offer incentives for subscribers (e.g. discounts, exclusive content)
  • Use opt-in forms on websites or social media
  • Import existing customer contacts (with consent)
  • Promote your newsletter on other channels

Metrics and analytics:

  • Open rates
  • Click-through rates (CTR)
  • Conversion rates
  • Unsubscribe rates
  • Engagement metrics (e.g. replies, reactions)

WhatsApp Newsletter

1. Clear Value Proposition

Make it clear to your subscribers what they have signed up for. Irrespective of what kind of content you distribute in your WhatsApp newsletter, establishing transparency is always a good practice. Promising the moon and stars and then failing at the delivery could lead to an instant failure of your newsletter. 

2. Make Your Content Concise

If clarity is important then so is conciseness. In the age of micro-content and decreasing attention spans, ensure that you get the hold of your audience’s attention as quickly as possible. Ensure that you cut to the chase and showcase immediately how the customer could benefit from the newsletter. 

3. Schedule Your Newsletter Effectively

Establishing a consistent schedule for your WhatsApp newsletter is key to its success. Depending on your business and use case, you can decide to have a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly newsletter. No matter the frequency, remember that the main goal of your newsletter should be to keep your audience hooked in such a way that they are always looking forward to the next update. 

Apart from this, you can follow the below best practices related to the timing and scheduling of your newsletter.

  • Avoid sending WhatsApp messages too frequently to prevent user opt-outs.
  • Maintain a balanced interval between messages to keep subscribers engaged.
  • Limit newsletters to once a week to avoid overwhelming the subscribers.
  • Adjust timing based on the content of your newsletter; for promotional reminders, consider shorter intervals, while informational newsletters can have longer intervals.
4. Identify and Reuse High-performing Template

Creating a new Whatsapp template every time you send a newsletter is time-consuming. A smarter approach would be to identify and reuse the ones that yield the best results. Over time, it becomes evident which templates are most effective for your audience. Also, using pre-approved templates eliminates the risk of non-approval from Meta that a new template may encounter.

5. Encourage Interaction

Remember your WhatsApp newsletters’s aim is to keep your audiences engaged. To drive engagement, you need to encourage interactions through actions like:

  • Asking questions
  • Soliciting feedback
  • Creating polls

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