How to Setup Product Catalog?

You can showcase your products to your customers on WhatsApp by enabling the Product Catalog feature and receive orders with the help of the Add to Cart feature. This articles shows you the exact steps on how to enable these features.

Step 1 to 3 – Create a Catalog on the Commerce Manager

Step 4: Grant Catalog Permissions

Depending upon how you’ve integrated your phone number with us, you need to follow one of these two:

WhatsApp Cloud API Credentials

If you’ve setup your phone number using WhatsApp Cloud API Credentials, you will need to enable below permissions in your system user and readd it in XpressBot

  • catalog_management 
  • business_management 
Embedded Signup form

If you’ve setup your phone number using Embedded Signup Flow, please follow the steps below:

  • Go to Partners in the Meta Business Manager.
  • Now select XpressBot, and then click on the asset you shared, You will have the option to share the asset.
  • Click share assest, in the popup select catalog and provide manage access to catalog, click Save changes.
  • Now go to xpresssBot then click Sync option

Step 5: Adding WhatsApp Pay

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