WhatsApp Flow

WhatsApp has become ubiquitous, serving not just for casual conversations but also as a pivotal tool for business and marketing. Its marketing capabilities, in particular, have started to overshadow traditional methods such as cold calling or email marketing, with companies of all sizes turning to it for customer communication and outreach. A notable advancement in this domain is the introduction of WhatsApp Flows.

WhatsApp Flow is essentially a feature within the WhatsApp Business platform that enables businesses to craft guided and structured interactions with users via chat. This feature acts as a conduit for businesses to design specific workflows or conversation paths, making customer interactions more streamlined on the familiar WhatsApp interface.

At Xpressbot, our team of skilled developers has taken this feature further by simplifying its usability for our subscribers.

Now, it streamlines various processes such as appointment bookings, feedback gathering, content promotion, and more. It facilitates the easy collection of customer details, confirmations, and reminders, and is integrated with content recommendation flows to bolster conversions.

In the realm of business communication, collecting customer data can often be challenging. Previously, we introduced a pioneering feature in Xpressbot named “User Input Flow” aimed at customer data collection.

Thanks to the new WhatsApp Flow, we’ve devised a more efficient and reliable method for data collection dubbed the “WhatsApp Flows Form”.

Forms play a critical role in business for data collection, lead generation, process optimization, enhancing customer interactions, brand promotion, and cost-efficient information gathering.

They simplify systematic data collection, thereby enabling effective decision-making and analytics.

This guide will cover setting up a WhatsApp Flow Form and explore real-life applications of this feature.

How to Set-up WhatsApp Flows Form in Xpressbot?

Setting up a WhatsApp Form is straightforward. Here’s how:

  1. Navigate to Xpressbot and click on the dashboard button at the top right corner of the homepage.
  2. In the dashboard, click on “Bot Manager” in the WhatsApp section.
  3. Select a bot account, then click on “WhatsApp Flows”. Proceed by clicking on “Create” to start creating a form.

If you’ve previously created forms using the WhatsApp business API, you can sync these with your Xpressbot Account by clicking on the “Sync” button.

  1. Create your form with various options available on the WhatsApp Flows Form page. For this guide, we’ll create a medical appointment form as an example.
  • Flow Name: Assign a unique name to your flow.
  • Flow Categories: Choose the type of form from a dropdown menu of options.
  • Screen Unique Name: Give a unique name without spaces to avoid errors.
  • Form Title: Name your WhatsApp Flow.
  • Reply Sent After Form Submit: Set up a reply for after the customer submits the form.
  1. Structure your form by adding elements like headings, text fields, checkboxes, and more, each serving specific data collection purposes.
  2. Save your Flow and proceed to publish it by navigating back to the WhatsApp Flow page and selecting the publish option.
  3. Finalize your setup by creating a bot reply linked to your form, ensuring a smooth initiation of your WhatsApp Flow Form when triggered by a customer.

Benefits of WhatsApp Flows Form

Using Xpressbot’s WhatsApp Flows Form offers several advantages:

  • Improved Customer Engagement: Easy collection of customer info enhances interactions.
  • Simplified Data Collection: Custom forms streamline lead generation and sales.
  • Enhanced Marketing & Branding: Forms facilitate targeted promotions driving conversions.
  • Automated Follow-Ups: Customize messages for customers post-form submission.
  • Analytics & Insights: Gain valuable data on customer interactions for informed strategies.

Use Cases

Xpressbot’s WhatsApp Flows form can revolutionize customer interactions, offering:

  • Appointment Booking: Streamline detail collection and appointment scheduling.
  • Feedback Collection: Gather user feedback efficiently within WhatsApp chats.
  • Content Promotion: Link forms to content flows for effective promotion.

In summary, Xpressbot’s WhatsApp Flows forms offer a pathway to more meaningful customer interactions, efficient data collection, and data-driven decision-making, crucial for business growth on WhatsApp. By harnessing personalized messaging and insights, businesses can refine their WhatsApp strategies for enhanced operational success.

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