How to Qualify for a WhatsApp Green Tick Verification: Guidelines for Businesses

As of my last update, WhatsApp does not have a publicly available process for businesses or individuals to directly apply for a “Green Tick” verification badge (also known as verified business accounts). WhatsApp typically grants these badges to businesses that meet certain criteria and guidelines, such as authenticity, prominence, and adherence to WhatsApp Business Policies.

To potentially qualify for WhatsApp Green Tick Verification, businesses should:

  1. Set Up a WhatsApp Business Account: Create and verify a WhatsApp Business Account using the WhatsApp Business App or WhatsApp Business API.
  2. Comply with WhatsApp Business Policies: Ensure your business operations and communication practices adhere to WhatsApp’s guidelines and policies, which emphasize authenticity, user privacy, and proper use of messaging capabilities.
  3. Be Recognizable: Your business should be well-known and have a strong presence in its industry or locality.
  4. Maintain a Positive Reputation: Businesses with a positive reputation, including customer feedback and engagement, are more likely to be considered for verification.
  5. Ensure Complete Information: Provide accurate and complete business information, including a verified phone number, business address (if applicable), and a detailed business profile.
  6. Follow WhatsApp’s Guidelines: Continuously monitor and adhere to WhatsApp’s guidelines and recommendations regarding business accounts and messaging practices.

WhatsApp may reach out to eligible businesses for verification based on these criteria. There is no formal application process available directly through WhatsApp for requesting verification. If your business meets the criteria and is selected, WhatsApp will initiate the verification process.

Regular WhatsApp Business Account

For Small and Medium-Sized Businesses: Regular WhatsApp Business accounts are designed for small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) and sole proprietors. They are suitable for businesses looking to have a presence on WhatsApp to communicate with customers.

Features: Regular WhatsApp Business accounts provide essential business communication features such as a business profile, messaging templates, quick replies, labels for organising chats, and automated messaging.

Verification: Regular WhatsApp Business accounts can apply for verification, but verification is not guaranteed and is subject to WhatsApp’s criteria. Verified accounts may receive a verification badge, adding credibility to their profile.

Limited Scale: Regular accounts are typically used for one-on-one customer interactions and are suitable for businesses with relatively low messaging volumes.

API Access: While regular accounts can use the WhatsApp Business app, they may need access to the WhatsApp Business API, which is often used for more advanced and automated messaging.

Official WhatsApp Business Account

For Large Enterprises and Brands: Official WhatsApp Business accounts are intended for larger enterprises, brands, and organisations with a significant customer base and high messaging volumes. These accounts are designed for businesses that need to scale their customer communication.

Features: Official WhatsApp Business accounts come with advanced features like the WhatsApp Business API, which allows for automation, integration with external systems, and the ability to send notifications and transactional messages.

Verification: Official WhatsApp Business accounts are typically verified by default, and they often have a green verification badge indicating their official status. This badge adds credibility and trust.

Scale: These accounts are suitable for businesses that need to handle a high volume of customer inquiries and transactions efficiently.

API Access: Official accounts have access to the WhatsApp Business API, making it possible to integrate WhatsApp with customer relationship management (CRM) systems, chatbots, and other tools for streamlined customer support and engagement.

Pros and Cons of a WhatsApp Green Tick Badge Application


Credibility and Trust: A WhatsApp-verified badge adds credibility and trustworthiness to your business profile. Users are likelier to trust and engage with verified accounts, knowing they interact with an authentic and recognised business.

Increased Visibility: Verified businesses may appear more prominently in WhatsApp search results. Increased visibility can help attract more customers and potential clients to your business.

Direct Communication: Verified businesses have access to the WhatsApp Business API, which enables them to send automated messages, notifications, and other important information to their customers. This can improve customer service and engagement.

Customisation: You can set up a comprehensive business profile with important information such as your address, business hours, and a description. This allows customers to get a better understanding of your business.

Access to WhatsApp Business Tools: Verified businesses can access WhatsApp Business tools and features designed to streamline customer communication. These tools include messaging templates, quick replies, labels for organizing chats, and more.


Application Process: The application process for a WhatsApp verified badge can be stringent, and there is no approval guarantee. If your application is rejected, it can be frustrating and time-consuming to reapply.

Compliance Requirements: To maintain your verified status, you must adhere to WhatsApp’s Business Policy and Commerce Policy. Failure to comply with these policies can result in the revocation of your verified badge.

Higher Expectations: Users may have higher expectations of verified businesses in terms of response times and the quality of customer service. Meeting these expectations can be challenging, especially for smaller businesses.

Costs: Some businesses may incur costs associated with using the WhatsApp Business API and other advanced features, often available to verified accounts. These costs can add up, depending on your usage.

Potential for Misuse: While the verification badge helps prevent impersonation, some users might assume that any verified account is trustworthy. This can make verified accounts a target for scammers, so businesses must be vigilant in maintaining security.

How to Apply for a WhatsApp Green Tick Badge?

Here are the procedures to follow before you even get started with the process of applying for a WhatsApp green tick badge.

Sign up for WhatsApp API Access

You must first register for the WhatsApp Business API and set up a business account through a Business Solution Provider (BSP) like Wati. This will allow you to begin utilising WhatsApp for your business needs.

However, it is essential to note that the green tick badge is not available on the free WhatsApp business app.

Once you’ve received your WhatsApp API access, before moving to the next step, send out WhatsApp Campaigns as soon as possible. 

To increase the chance of getting a WhatsApp green tick badge, reach a minimum of 1,000 people daily through business-initiated messages. Through these messages, you will demonstrate to WhatsApp that you are actively and seriously utilising the platform for your business efforts.

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