Effective WhatsApp Marketing Strategies Using a Free Tool: A Step-by-Step Guide

How to do WhatsApp Marketing for FREE?

WhatsApp’s giant base that exceeds 2 billion active users, makes it one of the best channels for marketers to reach a wide audience from anywhere across the globe.

By leveraging this, businesses can enhance their online presence, create, qualify and nurture leads, and establish meaningful and high-value customer connections. And the first step towards this can be with a WhatsApp marketing tool.

Here is how you can start your WhatsApp marketing journey with a WhatsApp marketing free tool: 

1. Optimize WhatsApp Business Profile

To start marketing on WhatsApp, before anything you will need to set up your WhatsApp Business profile. This officially conveys your business’ presence on WhatsApp and acts as the face of your business.

Your WhatsApp Business profile needs to be perfectly optimized and built in a way that showcases the credibility and trustworthiness of the brand.  

To set up your WhatsApp Business profile, you need first install the WhatsApp Business app and verify your number.

2. Build multiple entry points

Once you are done with your WhatsApp Business profile, you need to offer customers multiple entry points to find and reach you on WhatsApp. As you cannot directly initiate conversations, it should be the customers that contact you first. Here are some ways to do this: 

Whats app QR codes:

You can bring your offline leads online to your WhatsApp platform by using free WhatsApp QR codes. With a QR generator create QR codes that direct people to your WhatsApp. These QR codes can be used on pamphlets, posters, or in your brick-and-mortar store, or even circulated online to make it easier for customers to reach you.

3. Setup WhatsApp Campaign

Once you have a way to build your WhatsApp list, it is important for you to keep them engaged. This is where using a free Whats app software margeting  for running campaigns comes into play. Here are some campaigns that are proven to work: 

Broadcast messages on WhatsApp:

With a WhatsApp marketing tool, you can create and send broadcast messages to multiple recipients simultaneously through WhatsApp. This is ideal especially for sharing WhatsApp marketing messages like promotions, sales alerts, discounts as well as for feedback requests, and support messages.

WhatsApp Notification campaigns:

WhatsApp notification campaigns are a great way to reach out to customers proactively and engage them through custom auto replies or automated workflows. Customers that do not have your business number can also receive your WhatsApp notifications, unlike broadcast messages. 

Notifications can be personalized for each user and sent in bulk to engage them at a wider scale. These notifications can be used for shipment updates, order confirmations, promotions, product recommendations and more.

4. Analyze and optimize the WhatsApp Campaign

Your WhatsApp marketing campaign can only fetch desirable results and contribute to the growth of your business if they are well-optimized and adjusted in an ideal way. But there is no one-size-fits-all solution to this and the only way you can ensure optimum results is by constant monitoring and tracking. You need a clear picture of what is and isn’t working for your campaign.

Track the Whatsapp compaign performance and see how well it is holding up in relation to your campaign objectives. Track key metrics such as conversion rate, customers reached, cost per conversion etc. and test out different strategies.

It is always ideal to test out different campaign variations and strategies and measure their results to see what is ideal for your business. Eventually, you will be able to optimize your campaign strategies and see improved ROI from your WhatsApp marketing efforts. 


WhatsApp marketing has immense potential and with a free WhatsApp business marketing tool, you can tap into this potential and leverage all the right features and benefits to reach and engage wider audiences.

Customers generally prefer comfortable and seamless communication and providing this by opting for the best WhatsApp marketing tool is the right way to get ahead of the game.

On the lookout for the right tool to start your WhatsApp marketing journey

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