Instagram ChatBot

Respond to All DMs Instantly with AI
XpressBot helps you respond to Instagram DMs quickly using AI. Your customers won’t notice the difference between chatting with you or a bot, saving you time and money compared to hiring an assistant.

Nurture Leads to Sales
Build relationships with potential buyers through valuable content and services using XpressBot’s Live Chat feature. Assign multiple agents to different leads, streamlining communication and boosting sales.

Live Chat
While your bots handle most customer interactions on Instagram DM, some cases require a human touch. XpressBot’s live chat allows you to communicate with customers without leaving the platform. You can send message templates, information, or coupons, assign multiple agents to specific customers, and even translate foreign messages within the live chat.

Automate Your Sales Funnel
Automate your sales funnel with XpressBot to increase sales. Let automation handle routine tasks like sending coupons and sharing information, freeing up your sales reps to close complex deals and grow your business effortlessly.

Sequence Messages
XpressBot lets you send a series of automated messages to chatbot subscribers at specific intervals, enhancing lead nurturing, customer engagement, and marketing tasks. With features like scheduled timing, event triggers, multi-step engagement, and improved user experience, you ensure timely and relevant information delivery.

XpressBot Flow builder
XpressBot’s visual flow builder allows you to create Instagram chatbots with drag-and-drop components easily, without any coding knowledge. Design and build your chatbot step-by-step in one user-friendly interface.

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